Good morning gang,
I hope you all had a restful weekend. Maybe you tried cooking that mac n cheese? Let us know if you did…
For today, let’s get straight to the good stuff: our workout. Going to plug in a nice full body workout here. Hitting the legs pretty hard with the leg blasters Drew introduced to us and making sure your core and upper body get work in with some kettlebell exercises too.
Let’s go to work
5 Sets of:
-25 Pushups
-1 Mini Leg Blaster:10 x air squats, 10 x forward lunges (5 each leg, in place), 10 x jumping lunges (5 each leg, in place), 5 x jumping air squats
-10 KB Turkish Getups (5 each arm)
-20 KB Shoulder Press (10 each arm)
Make sure you’re getting some protein in your diet. You’ll need to recover from those leg blasters somehow.
If you’ve got feedback, send it in.
Scott Dance
District Martial Arts
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