Good morning gang,

March is closing out and April is right behind it. Time just flies by when you’re quarantined. Wow.

The fitness challenge started almost 2 weeks ago and you guys have been doing an amazing job of participating, sharing feedback and great ideas. Please keep that coming! Shout outs to come later this week for the top participants.

I’d like to welcome DMA members to email me suggested workouts for April (from home or outside of course). We have an excellent community at DMA with a wealth of health/fitness knowledge. Let’s share that with one another.

Today’s workout comes from the wrestling department with Coach Cameron! Take a look, give it a try, and share your experience with us!


This one asks for resistance bands. If you have them, that’s great. If not, feel free to use weights around your house (dumbbells or get creative with books or appliances in your house like Cat!).

Either way, your sure to get a solid pump from Cameron’s workout today.

Coach Cameron’s PUNishing Routine:
Warm up: x3:
-Frog Stretch (30sec)
-Child’s pose (30sec)
-Deep lunge with quad stretch (30sec ea leg)

ARMageddon: x3 or for 10 min:
-Hand release pushups (10-15)
When going down, rest the top of your chest on the ground, release your hands (squeezing at your back), then explode up
-Kneeling, single arm shoulder press with resistance band (10-15ea arm)
-Resistance band bicep curls (20-30)

CDC (Crisis Demands Core!): x3 or for 10 min:
-Plank (1 min)
-Hip Thrust/bridge to sit up (20)
-Russian Twist (20 ea side)


For the record, puns are always welcome and encouraged.

I hope you’re all staying healthy and focused throughout this whole process. It’s easy to get distracted with the doom and gloom – there’s a surplus of it right now that I’d argue we don’t really need. Let’s be positive and do our part to help our community and get back to normal as quickly and as safely as possible. We have a strong team, so let’s set a good example in our community.

All the best,
District Martial Art