Fitness Challenge – March 25 – Coach Tone’s Workout
Hey Team,
We’re about half way through the work from home work week – I hope you’re all managing well.
We have another excellent workout today as a part of the challenge.
This workout comes from Coach Tone today – he is an expert on conditioning and fitness so, eyes up!
Tone’s got a great full body workout with a balance between resistance exercise and cardio:
Part one:
•100 push-ups: 25 wide 25 diamond 25 regular 25 decline (go down slower than normal on this one)
•100 squats: 50 regular 50 jump squats
•120 any core workout
Part 2
•3 to 5 mile run
this work out is full body no weights are needed
As usual, please share feedback, suggestions or questions about anything related to training, martial arts, diet, or DMA. We love hearing from you all!
District Martial Arts