Fitness Challenge – April 24 – Jiujitsu Movements
Hey gang,
Happy Friday. Too bad it’s gloomy, but at least we can scratch another quarantine week off our list.
Reminder: tomorrow at 10am Cole Reifsnider is teaching Yoga on Instagram live (@creifsnider). Don’t miss it!
Today I have a BJJ movements workout you can run through at home. There’s an instructional video link below too if you need a reference (or if you have never done BJJ before you’ll definitely want to check the video).
Have fun with this one!
BJJ Movements
Use this video for visuals on these movements:
Complete 5 Sets of the following:
20 Hip Escapes/Shrimps
20 Bridges
20 Triangles
20 Technical Getups
20 Kimura Sit-Ups
20 Seconds Windmills (10 seconds inward, 10 seconds outward)
20 Side switches
***wind down for the week with 10 minutes of stretching
Enjoy the weekend guys. I hope you all find some time to get outside (weather permitting).
If you have requests for content/videos similar to what we recorded here feel free to email suggestions/requests.
Scott Dance
District Martial Arts