Fitness Challenge – May 1 – Go Outside
Hey guys,
It’s Friday and the sun is out. Get outside! With all of the rain/gloom lately, and if you’ve been training, vitamin D is essential to recovery and general health/well being. Seize this opportunity today.
For today’s workout we are going to get a bit of roadwork in and some light core work in. April is closed out. Pat yourselves on the back for making it through another quarantine month.
Let’s go.
Go Outside:
Complete the following:
2 Mile Run or 20 Minutes (whichever is faster for you)
10 Minute walk/cool down
5 Minutes of planks (option to break into 1 minute intervals)
5 minutes of stretching (legs/back/arms)
Go outside and enjoy yourselves. You deserve it.
Scott Dance
District Martial Arts