Daily Fitness Challenge – Day 2
Good morning Squad,
It’s our first Friday during quarantine season, so let’s close out the week strong!
Thanks to everyone who reached out yesterday to share feedback on the workout – glad to see so much energy from the team!! We had a strong turnout on Day 1 so I hope to see that matched today! So you all know, we will pick this back up on Monday of next week so don’t get sad (you won’t) when you don’t get an email from me tomorrow morning.
I’ve never been much of a runner. To be honest, I’m not that good at it and I have sort of resisted doing it (like all my life…). But, over the last couple years I’ve come to accept that there’s a basic necessity as a human to know how/have the physical capacity to walk/jog/run. It seems like a pretty basic skill right? Still, I’m pretty trash at running.
I figure now is the perfect time to get off my butt and try a workout I don’t gravitate towards (martial arts, lifting, metcons are all fun to me). It’s always good to challenge your discipline with something you may not “want” to do.
Give this careful consideration.
This morning I went to the Washington and Lee High School track (which is open to the public) for a running/track workout. Shout out to Jason Kettering for the inspiration behind this track workout (this is part of his routine).
My challenge to the team:
Complete the following:
-20 Minute run (with a sub 8 minute mile as a bonus challenge)
-2 sets of lunges for 20 yards
-4 sets of 40 yard sprints
-Optional: take a picture with a Corgi if you can find one. I found one so I took a picture.
I have a personal goal of getting my mile run to a respectable pace – I hit 7 minutes today which took some damn effort. For me the rest of the 20 minutes was just warming up and warming down to prepare for the fast paced mile run. That’s just what I did to align with my goals but you guys take this and modify it how you see fit.
Also, if you’re not able to get to a track where you can easily measure distances just go outside on your street, identify what looks as close to 20 and 40 yards, and hit your lunges and sprints accordingly. Hold yourself accountable. You’ll know you’re doing this right if your quads and glutes are burning and your heart is pumping after the sprints. I had fun with this one. I hope you guys do too.
Like yesterday, I loved receiving the emails and hearing about who’s participating, so feel free to email me with feedback or notes on how it went.
Also, we are going to start a Q&A for fitness, health/diet, martial arts, so please send me any questions you have for the DMA coaches.
Again, it’s the end of our first week and I hope you’re all managing to stay healthy and have fun despite the circumstances. But remember, we all still have to play our part in managing the spread of this illness. Let’s stay safe and set a good example for our communities.
All the best,
District Martial Arts