Daily Fitness Challenge – March 23

Daily Fitness Challenge – March 23

Good morning,

I woke up this morning to rain like you all, which has me a tad bit behind – apologies!

First, shout outs to the team members who participated last week:

Laree, Coach Tony Guzman, Coach Mark, Eric B, Patrick S, Bryce, Omar & Emily, Robbie M, Gagan, Grace I., Laura & Matt, Drew L, Coach Cameron, Garret S., Jordan, Julian, Khaldoun, Caroline P., Peter N., Jeremy Trinka!

You guys are champions! You’re setting a great example to others on Team DMA and your communities too. On to today’s challenge.


Like I said, the rain has me a bit behind this morning. I was planning a track workout for the team again but I had to improvise given the weather! You’ll get a nice track work out later this week.

But, the flip side to this is that I DID get to throw the kettlebell around and get a pretty juicy pump in…I’m happy.

This one is an upper body heavy workload. In jiujitsu, your “squeeze” strength is crucial to your development. This routine will work your grips, back, traps and shoulders. Think finishing mechanics for your submissions and transitions. These types of blood pumping upper body compound movements prepare you to finish attacks when your forearms are fried and your opponent is resisting with 100% intensity.

I find that context helps me train harder…maybe you guys will too! I challenge you to complete the following:

5 Sets of:
10x reps KB Snatch – (10 for both arms – 20 total)
20 Push-ups
5 Turkish Getups (5 left, 5 right – 10 total)
5 handstand push-ups

Note on equipment: if you don’t have a kettlebell use another weight you can get your hands on. If you don’t have weights substitute burpees, squats or sit-ups.

Some of these movements are a tad more “advanced” (turkish getups, KB/dumbbell snatch, and handstand pushups) so if its too much, just substitute with something different but still challenging. Stay safe while exercising.

All the best,
District Martial Arts

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