Fitness Challenge – April 17 – Cat A’s Mac n Cheese

Fitness Challenge – April 17 – Cat A’s Mac n Cheese

Hey gang,

Happy Friday! Big shout out and thank you to Coach Tone for running another excellent Boxing class last night on Zoom. It was fun to throw those hands again. Thanks, Coach!

Tomorrow at 10 am Coach Cole is running a yoga class on Instagram Live – @Creifsnider . Go to her page and get your stretch on guys.

With the weekend a handful of hours away you deserve to indulge a bit. We’ve been working on clean eating all week and cooking, which is great and all but sometimes you gotta satisfy your cravings! Keeps you mentally healthy which is crucial!

Cat Adams is sending us her family Mac n Cheese recipe. She’s from the South so you know it’s legit too. Plus it’s multigenerational. Extra legit.

Quick Shout out to Cat: Aside from this amazing recipe for homemade country mac n cheese (thank you for that!), it is also Cat’s birthday. Send her wishes, y’all!

On to the goodies…


Momma’s Mac n Cheese (from scratch!)
This is my mom’s classic southern mac n cheese recipe that she got from my Grandma – we’re from New Orleans so you know it’s not even close to healthy but it is delicious!
This yields 4-5 big servings (or 6-7 if you have any semblance of self-control – which I do not have when it comes to mac n cheese)

You’ll Need:
Large pot
Cheese grater

1 Box of medium shells
1 big block of Mild or Medium cheddar
A few tablespoons of milk (or half and a half)
1/3 stick of butter
2-4 TBSP Flour

Step 1: Cook your shells!
– Fill the pot with water
– Dump a bunch of salt into the water (should taste roughly like seawater)
– Bring to a boil
– Drain shells and set aside
****While shells are cooking, grate the whole block of cheese (yes, the whole thing)

Step:2 Make a Roux!
– Place empty pot back on the warm burner and leave on low heat (think simmer/1-2)
– Add 1/3 stick of butter and let melt
– Once melted, add approx 2 TBSP flour and mix into the butter – this should make a fairly thick paste
– If your roux is still thin, add a bit more flour (1 tsp at a time) until thickened
– Stir continuously over low heat for approx 5 min

Step:3 Finish your cheese sauce!
– Add grated cheese, stir until cheese is melted
– Once the cheese is melted, add milk (one TBSP at a time), stirring continuously until a creamy consistency is reached
– Turn off heat and mix shells into the cheese sauce
– add salt and pepper to taste

Step 4: Eat too much


For today’s workout, we are running it back to Coach Mark’s wrestling and kettlebell workout. Grab your kettlebell or dumbbell and get after it!

Warm Up
15 Shadow Boxing or Wrestling Stance and Motion

5 sets:
15 x KB Swings
5 ea. x KB Clean and Press
10 x Upright Row
10 ea x Alt Reverse Lunge

5 sets:
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 squats


Have a great weekend. It’s cold again for some reason. Stay warm and healthy.

Best Regards,
District Martial Arts

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