Fitness Challenge – April 21 – Core Strength
Hey y’all,
I hope you all can make Tone’s boxing class tonight on Zoom at 6pm. Reference Sam Shawa’s email for the link.
People have been asking for more core work (most of us are spending more time sitting down during quarantine) so today’s workout is a core maintenance/strengthening routine.
If this is a lot for you, feel free to amend this. If it isn’t enough…do more sets.
Core Strength:
3 Sets of
1 Minute Plank
30 Crunches
30 V ups
20 Supermans
10 KB Turkish Getups (5 each arm)
10 KB Deadlifts
***Finish with stretching. I like downward and upward facing dog as stretches for my core.
Stay strong, friends!
District Martial Arts