Fitness Challenge – April 28 – Tabatas
Hey Team,
For today’s workout we are running tabatas.
For those of you who have never completed a tabata, here’s the rundown: a tabata is a circuit workout where you complete exercises for a period of time (or sets) with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.
For this workout budget about 35-45 minutes to complete this workout. We have 4 rounds that should last 8 minutes each, plus 1 minute rest in between rounds.
Get it!
Tabata Workout:
Repeat each circuit 8x:
Circuit 1:
–Pushups – 20 seconds
-10 seconds rest
–Squats – 20 seconds
-10 seconds rest
**1 minute rest
Circuit 2:
–Shots – 20 seconds
-10 seconds rest
–Burpees – 20 seconds
-10 seconds rest
**1 minute rest
Circuit 3:
–Shrimp – 20 seconds
-10 seconds rest
–V-Ups – 20 seconds
-10 seconds rest
**1 minute rest
Circuit 4:
–Shadow Boxing – 20 seconds
-10 seconds rest
–Sprawl – 20 seconds
-10 seconds rest
This should take you approximately 32 minutes to complete. You will be sweaty.
I hope you guys have a great day. Thank you for your continued support. We love you guys!
District Martial Arts