Fitness Challenge – March 27 – Funk Style by Mark Cirello

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Fitness Challenge – March 27 – Funk Style by Mark Cirello

Good Day to All,

Today will conclude another full workweek in quarantine mode. I know for me it was a bit challenging at times; weather hasn’t been that great and there seems to be an abundance of high importance work right now! I’m glad it’s Friday and I bet you are too. Let’s finish the week strong.

One announcement: Coach Cole will be running an online Yoga class for DMA members and other yogis tomorrow morning at 10am. Tune into Cole’s Instagram account (@creifsnider) and get your stretch on at 10am!!

On Yoga: for me, I like to use Yoga as an active recovery exercise/practice. I’m new to it and it’s challenging for me but definitely provides that sustainable, mobility/stretching routine I need to stay on the mats. I highly recommend you take Cole’s class tomorrow morning and when we reopen take her 9am Saturday classes.


Today Coach Mark Cirello is contributing his workout. Mark is the original funk wrestler, as many of you know. He is the champion of the canvas, and master of the flow.

Be like Mark.

Mark cooked up a good one for us. The warmup allows you to express a bit of creativity in your movement and the circuit hits all the major muscle groups. Pick up your kettlebell or dumbbell for this one team!

Warm Up
15 Shadow Boxing or Wrestling Stance and Motion

5 sets:
15 x KB Swings
5 ea. x KB Clean and Press
10 x Upright Row
10 ea x Alt Reverse Lunge

5 sets:
20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 squats


I hope you all close out the week strong. You all are amazing, and your commitment to staying active during this complex and trying time is truly inspiring. You guys inspire me daily. I mean that.

Please share feedback, notes or questions. Next week will be another fun and interactive week for us. Team DMA: stay strong.

District Martial Arts

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