New: Apparel Pick up – 7pm Tonight

New: Apparel Pick up – 7pm Tonight

Good Afternoon,

A couple reminders:

1) Coach Tone is teaching a boxing class tonight at 6pm:

2) For those of you who have reserved gear from us: we are opening DMA from 7-7:30pm to come pick up items you ordered. Come pick up your goodies!

3) Today’s Workout: I’m bringing back the BJJ movements workout from earlier in quarantine. Again, the idea is getting you guys acquainted with our sport specific scenarios again. When we eventually get back to training with partners you may be a bit slow to react or sluggish but you can mitigate some of that by familiarizing your body with the constituent pieces of our martial art again. Feel free to modify or do extra reps of any of these.


BJJ Movements
Use this video for visuals on these movements:

Complete 5 Sets of the following:
20 Hip Escapes/Shrimps
20 Bridges
20 Triangles
20 Technical Getups
20 Kimura Sit-Ups
20 Seconds Windmills (10 seconds inward, 10 seconds outward)
20 Side switches

***wind down for the week with 10 minutes of stretching


Have a great night.

Team DMA

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