Good morning,

Quick shout out to Coach Tone for running an awesome workout last night at 6pm! Great conditioning and boxing techniques. Tone is coaching on Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm during quarantine. Also, Dr. Sam Hodous is running a mobility class for us tonight at 6pm. Join us for that too!

Reference Sam Shawa’s emails this week for the links!


Today’s recipe is coming at you just in time for breakfast. If the fast food industry has taught me anything it’s that breakfast goes until 10:30am, anything later is brunch.

Josh Wellner is hooking us up with his Sweet Potato Hash recipe – throw a couple eggs in there and you really do have breakfast! Shout out to Josh for this excellent, super nutritious recipe!


Sweet Potato Hash
4 cups of diced Sweet Potatoes
4 cups of shredded kale
1lb of chorizo- try to find fresh made and remove the casing and just use the meat
1/2 cup of chopped onion- I use white onion- OPTIONAL
1 Tbsp of Cumin— I usually use more
Lime Juice
Salt and Pepper
Olive oil

1) Bake Sweet potatoes
Heat oven to 425
Load sweet potatoes and onions(I don’t always incorporate) into a mixing bowl; liberally sprinkle cumin(depending upon your palette). Season with salt and pepper; Drizzle with olive oil. Mix up/stir around. Pour into cooking dish
Cook for 25-30 minutes. Take out when you can easily stick a fork in the sweet potatoes.

2) Cooking chorizo
With about 5 minutes to go for the sweet potatoes:
In a large cooking pan, eat on medium/high heat. Add a little olive oil, add chorizo and cook.
Once chorizo is cooked; add sweet potatoes into a cooking dish and mix it up.

3) Kale:
Add Kale to chorizo and sweet potatoes into a pan. Add more cumin and lime juice. Continue to stir around and cook until kale is welted.

Remove from eat—Add hot sauce if desired.

Usually makes enough for leftovers.


Today’s workout: We are running it back to the Punisher, Coach Cameron Thompson’s grueling, blast double leg fueling routine. Do you feel stronger this go around? Can you change levels and shoot better now?!? I hope so…if not, do more of this.

Thank you Coach Cameron!!

Coach Cameron’s PUNishing Routine:
Warm up: x3:
-Frog Stretch (30sec)
-Child’s pose (30sec)
-Deep lunge with quad stretch (30sec ea leg)

ARMageddon: x3 or for 10 min:
-Hand release pushups (10-15)
When going down, rest the top of your chest on the ground, release your hands (squeezing at your back), then explode up
-Kneeling, single arm shoulder press with resistance band (10-15ea arm)
-Resistance band bicep curls (20-30)

CDC (Crisis Demands Core!): x3 or for 10 min:
-Plank (1 min)
-Hip Thrust/bridge to sit up (20)
-Russian Twist (20 ea side)


Last thing: go get some sunlight if you can today. We need that Vitamin D to stay healthy right now!

You guys have sent in some pretty tasty recipes! Keep them coming in!

District Martial Arts